Weeds Everywhere

The weeds are trying to take over.  The heat wave from over a week ago encouraged the weeds to grow big and strong, now they are spread out all over the place.  I try not to stress too much about weeds as my field always has them and I never have enough time to remove them all.

To the left of the sunflowers are peppers hiding in the weeds
To the left of the sunflowers are peppers hiding in the weeds

So I focus my energy on the weeds that are in the beds of the small and more vulnerable crops.  Once I’ve weeded a bed I rarely go back and weed a second time.  By the time the weeds return and normally they always do, the crops have gotten big and tall and are not bothered by the new weeds.

Andrea looking at all the weeding that needs to be done
Andrea looking at all the weeding that needs to be done

To deal with the weeds outside of the vegetable beds, I either ignore them by walking all over them or I mow them down.  I find mowing a wide stripe along the edge of the field also helps reduce critters coming into the field, a mowed area puts them out in the open and makes it easier for a predator like a hawk to swoop in and help the farmer manage pest problems.

Boothby's Blonde & Mini White Cucumbers
Boothby’s Blonde & Mini White Cucumbers

This week I began harvesting cucumbers they are so juicy and tender its hard to believe it has been about 8 months since I last had my beloved farm fresh cukes.  I’m still harvesting kale, collards, swiss chard, carrots, beets, basil, and even the jewels of the brambles blackberries.
