This week we had a few foggy mornings complete with a light drizzle, November has finally arrived.

We have had a very dry fall with no rain in sight. The sunny days with clear skies have been beautiful and very enjoyable. But the field is ready for showers and the groundwater reservoirs need to be replenished. The light morning drizzle lead to steady showers that gave us just under an inch of rain.

Even though there is plenty of work to still be done in the field, I welcomed this rain storm. I spent the day comfortably sitting in the greenhouse, shucking the popcorn as I listen to rain drops sliding down the roof.

Sunny warms days will be back soon, during these rainy days take the time to have a pot of soup cooking on the stove and cozy up with a blanket and cup of tea, it is November after all.
[…] Arrival of Rain ( […]