Eco Farm

Last week I was away from the farm for a couple of days to attend Eco Farm, the annual Ecological Farming Association’s conference.  Eco Farm is seriously my favorite farming conference, this year was the 6th time I have attended.  The conference takes place in Pacific Grove, CA at Asilomar steps from the beach.

On the way to the state beach
On the way to the state beach

Every year I come away learning innovative marketing techniques, improved growing methods, better business planning, new resources, and the knowledge that there are a wealth of people out there doing amazing things in agriculture, all passionate about improving their local food system.

Seed swapping
Seed swapping

Like many people I have found that the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.  So I take every opportunity I can to expand my agricultural knowledge.  This year at Eco Farm I attended many workshops and plenaries, some of my favorites were about holistic orchards, native pollinators, soil-born diseases, and wise words from well seasoned farmers.

Michael Phillips explaining how to create and maintain orchard health
Michael Phillips explaining how to create and maintain orchard health

This conference is more than just the bazillion different workshops you can take, it’s about the opportunity to meet and network with other farmers and sustainable food supporters.  The conversations I had during meal times or between presentations inspire me to try something new at my own farm.  I always come back from Eco Farm refreshed and ready for the coming growing season regardless of the challenges that lay ahead.