Well we are finally getting some precipitation. It has been so wonderful to have our rainy winter weather back. I find it thrilling to wake up to rain and the grey cloudy sky, I hope this weather pattern continues for the next 3 months or so (okay, including a day or two of sun in between the storms).

During this recent rain storm I have been finishing up my crop plan for the season. My crop plan mainly consists of three spreadsheets. The first one is my seed calculation, where I figure out how much seed I need to plant to get the desired harvest of every single crop on a weekly basis. After figuring out the amount of seed I need, I then do my second spreadsheet which is my seed order. The seed order breaks down the crops to varieties, I always grow at least two varieties for each crop, but crops like tomatoes and winter squash I grow 8 different varieties. The third and biggest spreadsheet is the planting schedule.

This is where I figure out when to start each crop, how much seed to plant, and when to expect the first harvest. The planting schedule is organized by the date which I will use on a regularly basis throughout the season to see how much to plant and when. Even though constructing the spreadsheets for the crop plan can be boring and tiring computer work, it is one of the most important things I can do to ensure a successful growing season.