Hot Time in the Greenhouse

The sun is out and the greenhouse is filled.  The seedlings are still pretty small most are just wee sprouts.

Tomato sprouts
Tomato sprouts

Here in Sonoma we have been experiencing temperatures in the 70’s, its feels summer.  So I’ve been doing all my seed starting in the morning before the greenhouse turns into an oven.

Kale going big and strong
Kale going big and strong

Then I go out to the field to do some weeding in the onion and garlic rows.  It’s amazing to see everything growing so fast now that we are getting about 12 hours of daylight and increasing.  Right now there is lots of work to do at the farm but there is still time in the day to relax under a tree and watch the bees flying in and out of their hive with legs full of pollen.
