As you enjoy this holiday season and look forward to the new year, I want to tell you some exciting news about Quarter Acre Farm. I am planning to expand my farm’s production of organic popcorn, heirloom tomatoes, dried beans, and vegetable transplants.
Since I am a one-woman operation, with this increase in production I need the proper equipment to do it efficiently. In order to purchase this equipment I am seeking to raise additional capital, through a Kiva Zip loan.
The purpose of this loan would be to purchase several items: a Grillo walking tractor, a power harrow, a broadfork, a wheel hoe, and various other hand tools and equipment.
I am looking to my friends, family, and community members to be lenders on this loan. Kiva Zip is part of (a small project through which lenders make micro-finance loans directly to borrowers in the U.S. via the internet).
If you are interested in helping Quarter Acre Farm, please follow this link for more information.
For a limited time only, Capital One will match your loan amount to Quarter Acre Farm up to $500.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to my Kiva Zip loan. So far 51% of the loan has been raised!
What a great way to end 2014, the farm’s loan has been fully funded!
A big New Year’s Eve thank you to all the 123 Kiva Zip lenders!