I’m still spending most of my days in the greenhouse, starting seeds and potting up seedlings. The water is hooked up at the field and the filter is set up ready to go.
But I’m just waiting to hear back from the lab about my soil test results. By knowing what’s going on in dirt; how much potassium, calcium, magnesium, and what not. I can determine exactly what I need to add to the soil like oyster shells or gypsum to have a productive year. The soil test will also tell me the percentage of organic matter in my field, so I can figure out how much compost to apply. After I apply compost and needed amendments, the field will finally be ready for transplanting and seeding.

This of course is all happening a bit later this season than normal. In years past I’ve had my tomatoes transplanted already and things all set up for direct seeding popcorn. But with moving the farm and preparing a new field, different tasks arise and simple work seem to just take longer.

Running water—-HURRAY!!!