People often ask me, what do you do once you stop selling at the farmers’ market for the year? Right now for me it is a whole lot of resting, spontaneous crafting, and finally having time to do things around the house.
It is such a treat to be able to actually sleep in on the weekend. There is no truck to pack and unpack, no tent to pop up, and no products to display. This year’s farmers’ markets had another layer of work to them. We had to make sure we had all of our PPE (personal protective equipment) with us, we had to set up our booth to allow for social distance, and we had to remind at least someone (if not many) at each market not to touch products they were not intending to purchase. We sanitized often and provided low-contact transactions. There was a lot to think about, just to stay safe while working the market. We know this safety workload was the same for many of our thoughtful customers who came to each market with masks properly worn while staying six feet away to buy food from us. Even though staying safe during the pandemic has been stressful we adjusted, by being creative in how we get our products into our customers hands, making 2020 a great year for us.
As I’m hunkering down at home I’m finally checking off some items from my personal to-do list like putting away that pile of clothes that has been growing in size for months, dusting, shifting through random papers on my desk, organizing my canned goods, and other thrilling activities. To spice up the boring house cleaning I like to get a little crafty when I’m so inspired. Yesterday to get in the holiday spirit I went and foraged some greenery and made some wreaths for myself. I’m no professional wreath maker but it is amazing what one can do with some floral wire and tree branches.
Soon I will be getting started on my 2021 crop plan. This series of spreadsheets will have me spending many hours in front of the computer with a stack of seed catalogues. Once it is all put together this plan becomes my guiding light as the new year starts.
great post! congrats on a bit of well deserved down time!
On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 4:50 PM Quarter Acre Farm wrote:
> andreamdavis posted: ” People often ask me, what do you do once you stop > selling at the farmers’ market for the year? Right now for me it is a whole > lot of resting, spontaneous crafting, and finally having time to do things > around the house. It is such a treat to be a” >