Seedlings and Spring Weather

We have been busy in the greenhouse starting seeds and potting up seedlings. The greenhouse is really filling up! The majority of the plants in the greenhouse are intended for local gardeners. We grow transplants for our field crops: tomatoes, peppers, and some greens. But the huge variety of vegetable, herb, and flower seedlings are all grown for local home gardeners.

Our 10′ x 24′ greenhouse

To provide the best quality seedlings we only use certified organic seed (mainly heirloom varieties), natural potting soil, clean compost, and biodegradable fiber pots. We grow our seedlings in fiber pots which allow them to stretch out their roots without the chance of getting root bound. The fiber pots are made of wood pulp and sphagnum peat so you can plant them directly into your garden because they are 100% biodegradable. Even the wooden plant marker we use to label each seedling will decompose in about a year.

snow pea
Oregon Sugar Pod Snow Pea

We also only sell seedlings when it is the right time to plant them on the Eastern Shore, so that way your garden endeavors will be successful. Which means right now for mid April planting the seedlings we have available are onions, leeks, kale, collards, arugula, peas, mustard greens, lettuce, cilantro, and parsley. At the end of April we will begin to offer summer crops like tomatoes, basil, tomatillos, okra, peppers, and more.

To see what seedlings are available right this moment, check out our online shop. We also have Quarter Acre EATS food items and come summer, produce will be available too. Currently we are offering local pick up in Easton and Tilghman Island for online orders.

Spring weather is typically a little crazy, warm sunny days followed by plummeting temperatures with freeze warnings. This spring has been typical in that regard but we are also continuing to get a lot of rain. Last calendar year, our region received twice its annual precipitation. Which means after any rains we have had this spring there is standing water in the field. Looking back at this date for the past two years I have already been able to get a tractor in the field to mow and rototill but this year the ground is just too wet. So my new goal is to be able to get the field prepped by the first week in May. I’m crossing my fingers for a stretch of dry, warm, and low humidity days.🤞