Spring is Here at the Farm

The return of longer days and warmer weather always makes spring an exciting time. This spring has been particularly thrilling because there are new surprises everyday as we explore our new property. Flower bulbs long ago planted have been popping up all around the house, in the woods, and throughout the grass. New song birds flock to our bird feeders every day and we have seen many bald eagles soaring overhead. Trees and shrubs are coming out of dormancy with buds bursting, making it a bit easier to identify what wonderful species are established here. The local wildlife is on the move; we have seen groundhogs running about, a fox pouncing through the woods, black squirrels scurrying around, and big beautiful turkeys passing through. We love experiencing our new home and can’t wait to see what each season brings.

Springtime means lots of time spent in the greenhouse. The distance between the greenhouse and the field is a bit longer this year, an hour’s drive to be exact. Even though we are living at our new farm in Greensboro we are still utilizing our greenhouse on our leased land in Tilghman where our garlic is happily growing.

garlic growing

Seeds are slowly germinating in the greenhouse. So far we have started tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, onions, leeks, parsley, cilantro, kale, collards, swiss chard, calendula, and more. We plan to have seedlings available for sale starting at the first Easton farmers’ market of the season which is Saturday April 16th.

Also at the farmers’ market this year we will be cooking breakfast tacos and quesadillas! After taking a hiatus from cooking at the market because of the pandemic we are ready to provide you with delicious Saturday brunch options once again. Our menu offerings will be egg and cheese taco, grilled chicken taco, seasonal veggie taco, bacon quesadilla, and fresh squeezed lemonade. Our simple menu offers something for every eater as we have choices for vegans, vegetarians, meat eaters, and gluten free folks. We will also continue to offer our pre-packaged pico de gallo and guacamole for sale. Since we are expanding our services at the farmers’ market we are looking to hire someone to help us in our booth this season, click here for the full job description.

Spring is such an invigorating time with everything waking up and reaching for the sun. As I write this I can hear the spring peepers chirping away in our pond. There is a buzz of activity at our place and we hope you are enjoying spring wherever you are.