We hope everyone’s gardens have survived the heavy rains we recently had. From the two storms our farm received over 6 inches but thanks to our sandy soil everything has soaked in and there is hardly a puddle left.
Before the rains came we started to prep our field and make our beds. We use a simple wheel hoe to shape our beds then we apply our amendments and fertilizer based on our soil test recommendation to each bed. Next we cover each bed with crab paper aka kraft paper, similar to how some folks apply black plastic. This week we transplanted our tomatillos and most of our cherry tomatoes into these beds.

Even though we are having crisp spring weather it is time to start planting out summer crops. Right now in our online shop we have lots of seedlings available including tomatoes, tomatillos, basil, ground cherries, okra, flowers, cilantro, peas, onions, leeks, and more.
We aim to bring a wide variety of seedlings to the Saturday Easton farmers’ market but it is really just a sampling of what we have. For example we currently have 27 varieties of tomato seedlings available through our online shop but we typically only bring about 10 varieties to the market. So if you really want a lot of choices we recommend purchasing through our online shop.

It is common to swing by our booth and see a line of hungry customers waiting to order tacos and quesadillas. If you have placed your order for our seedlings or take home items (guacamole, pico de gallo, etc.) ahead of time through our online shop you can bypass that line and head over to the farm side of our booth. Just tell us your name and we will hand you your order which will be packed in a biodegradable plastic bag or cardboard box and you can be on your way. If you need to purchase some additional items like say a chicken taco we can also put that order in for you too.
This week’s special will be our Cochinita Taco which is shredded pork served with pickled red onions on a warm corn tortilla. We hope to see you at the market soon!