It is hard to believe that Memorial Day weekend is upon us. How is it already the end of May?!?! Time on the farm always seems to go fast in the spring, one minute it is too cold to plant out in the field, the next everything needed to be transplanted yesterday.

We are still in the process of transplanting our first tomato planting, we do a total of 3 plantings. So you still have plenty of time to plant tomatoes out in your garden. Typically here on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, if you transplant them by mid-June you have time to enjoy a bountiful summer tomato harvest that will last into the fall.

You also have time to plant some delicious “spring” crops too; like peas, mustard greens, arugula, and kale. These vegetables are normally considered spring crops because they can take freezing temperatures and they don’t like a lot of heat. To create a friendly environment for them in your garden, plant them where they can get afternoon shade. This will encourage them to be productive well into the summer. If you don’t have shade in your garden thanks to a tree or a structure you can quickly create it by planting a tall summer crop like tomatoes or okra nearby that will shade your cool season crops from the afternoon sun.

We have some new seedlings available this week including peppers, watermelon, muskmelons, purslane, beans, parsley, and more. To see our full selection of seedlings with photos and descriptions head over to our online shop. A few rain showers are in this weekend’s forecast but there will be plenty of breaks of sunshine, perfect for spending a bit of time in the garden to get your seedlings in the ground.

Having a Memorial Day party? Or maybe you’ve been invited to a shindig and you need to bring a dish. We can help! Our pico de gallo, ceviche, and guacamole are available in a quart container when you order ahead of time through our online shop. That is 32 ounces of deliciousness that is sure to help everyone have a great time this weekend. Make sure to place your order before the Thursday at 8pm deadline to reserve Saturday pick up.
For the Easton farmers’ market this week our special will be Tacos de Lengua. Tacos de Lengua is a classic Mexican dish consisting of chopped braised beef tongue served on a warm corn tortilla and garnished with pico de gallo. The lengua is tender from a low-and-slow braise in liquid that transforms this odd cut of meat into a juicy, succulent treat. We finish cooking the lengua on the flat top to give it a delicious crispy, browned outer layer. This special is one of our most popular specials so we recommend coming to the market early so you don’t miss out.