Garlic scape season is still going strong. Last week we harvested from about 4 of our garlic varieties. There will be other varieties ready this week but like we always say garlic scape season is short. As each variety puts up all its scapes at once. We grow 10 different varieties of garlic to try to extend the season as much as we can, but many varieties mature at the same time. So this is a heads up that we will have garlic scapes this week but I don’t know about next week.

Once you bring your garlic scapes home from the market they will store nicely in your refrigerator for about 2 weeks, just make sure they are in the produce drawer and/ or inside a plastic bag to keep them from drying out.

We are continuing to plant out our field and start seeds in the greenhouse. We recently direct seeded pumpkins and winter squash in our field. Both of these crops take about a 100 days to mature so now is the time to plant them to be able to harvest them before Halloween.

This week we have some new seedlings available for you including luffas, pumpkins, butternut squash, ground cherries, lima beans, and more. Plus we still have a great selection of heirloom and cherry tomatoes seedlings that will grow great in your garden or in containers. Head over to our online shop to see everything we currently have available with descriptions of each variety.

Now is the time for what we think is the best kind of pesto, Garlic Scape Pesto! Our fresh garlic scape pesto is made from our garlic scapes, olive oil, parmesan cheese, spinach, walnuts, and kosher salt; that’s it no fillers. We find that this pesto is the best way to capture the short but delicious garlic scape season. It goes perfectly with pasta, sandwiches, pizza, seafood, poultry, or whatever needs a garlicky punch. No preservatives are used, so it must be kept refrigerated or frozen. The garlic scape pesto is available in three sizes: half pint, pint, and quart. To make sure you don’t miss out we highly recommend you order ahead of time through our online shop.
Our taco special this week at the Saturday Easton farmers’ market will be Carnitas Taco: pork that has been slowly cooked in its own juices until it easily pulls apart, served on a warm corn tortilla and garnished with pico de gallo.
At this time we are not set up to take pre-orders for our tacos but typically if you arrive at the farmers’ market before 10am our full menu is available, after 10am we have been known to sell out of many items. We hope you can join us this Saturday at the market, it is going to be delicious!