This will be our very last week offering seedlings for sale. So all of our seedlings are marked down to just $2 each, both in our online shop and at this Saturday’s Easton farmers’ market. Our current fall/ winter seedling selection includes broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, pac choy, dill, and more.

A common question we get is, if I transplant broccoli now when can I expect to start harvesting it? From transplant, broccoli takes about 50 to 60 days to reach maturity. With the days getting shorter plants take longer to grow. So I would expect for our broccoli seedling that is transplanted this weekend to have a beautiful head to harvest by mid-December. Then after the main head is removed you can expect to get tasty side shoots until the spring. Cabbage and cauliflower need a similar amount of days to reach maturity. You will only get one head to harvest, they do not produce side shoots but you can eat the outer leaves of the cabbage and cauliflower plant.
Head over to our online shop to read the full descriptions of each seedling variety and place your order so you don’t miss out.

September may be over but our tomato harvest is still going strong. We are continuing to get plenty of pints of cherry tomatoes and pounds of heirloom tomatoes. We expect to bring them to market until Halloween-ish, that said production does normally slow down the closer we get to the end of October but it is very dependent on the weather.

With the arrival of October, comes our seasonal farmers’ market offerings of soup and hot cocoa! Each Saturday from now until our last market of the year (December 14th), we will be offering hot soup by the half pint, pint, or quart. The soup of the market day will change every week. All of these delicious soups will be perfect for a quick lunch or part of an extravagant dinner. When making the soups we do not use any preservatives so they must be kept refrigerated or can be frozen for later use.
This Saturday our first soup of the season will be Heirloom Tomato! We are using a mix of our 20 different varieties of heirloom tomatoes to make a flavorful soup that is vegetarian and dairy-free. This soup is a celebration of all things tomato so you are definitely gonna want to have your spoons ready for this explosion of tomato-ness!
Our hot cocoa will be available by the cup to warm your hands and your tummy from now until our last market. We created a custom hot cocoa mix to make the perfect cup of chocolatey goodness. Our mix is dairy-free but still creamy and will remind you of the hot chocolate of your childhood.
You can also get our mix by the bag so you can enjoy it at home. Our hot cocoa mix includes powdered sugar, cocoa powder, coconut milk powder, kosher salt, and cinnamon. No preservatives are used. To make a cup of hot cocoa you simply whisk 1/4 cup of mix into 1 cup of hot water or warm milk.
This Saturday’s special at the Easton farmers’ market will be our Steak Taco, sliced steak sauteed with onions served on a warm corn tortilla and garnished with pico de gallo. Add an egg for the classic steak and egg breakfast situation. Or add cheese to get more of a cheesesteak vibe.
As we welcome the first weekend of October at the market with so much deliciousness we hope you can take the time to swing by our booth to get a taste!