Bugs with Benefits

In the cool of the morning I walk through the field checking in on all the plants, looking to see what needs my attention.  Frequently I find myself in awe of the various insects inhabiting the farm.  Pests or bad bugs like aphids don’t hold my attention, they only annoy me as I stare at their destruction of my crops.

Ladybugs in the cover crop
Ladybugs in the cover crop

But beneficial bugs aka good bugs, I thoroughly enjoy watching as they crawl around the plants and swoop in to have a meal … on the bad bugs.  Recently I have seen ladybugs in all the various life-cycle forms, hover flies, green lacewings, and last year’s favorite discovery the soldier beetle.

While working in the greenhouse a green lacewing landed on my arm.
While working in the greenhouse a green lacewing landed on my arm.


Many times I just sit back and watch them in action occasionally trying to catch their image on camera.  Throughout the year I maintain habitat for the good bugs to live in, so they will stay on the farm and continue their tireless work of eating the bad bugs.

The awesome solider beetle
The solider beetle taking a break from eating aphids to pose for the camera