Rain Day

Waking up to Thursday’s rain, reminded me of my childhood school days back east, when I’d wake to find school closed because of snow.  Instead of a snow day it was a rain day!  I was lucky enough not to lose power or have any flooding but, with over 5 inches of rain forecast to drop in under 24 hours, I planned to not leave the house.

View from office window

I made some hot cocoa and got to work on the beginning of the 2015 farm plan. By the light of my computer I worked on cash flow projections; analyzing overall crop sales, as well as the sales of individual varieties; making note of the field performance of crops; and possible tools that could increase my efficiency on the farm. When winter weather forces you inside there is still farm work that needs to be done, this time the tools are paper, pencil, and a computer.

After the storm only a mild amount of standing water in the field
After the storm only a mild amount of standing water in the field