Spring is Busy

I have been busy this spring both in and out of the field. Right now the greenhouse is still packed with seedlings waiting to find their forever home.


Out in the field the tomatoes and tomatillos are growing tall, with flowers starting to develop.  I expect to begin harvesting tasty tomatoes by mid to the end of July.


This past week I finally planted potatoes, dried beans, winter squash, and pumpkins in the field. I’m hoping to get the popcorn planted early next week.


I’m a few weeks behind schedule in my plantings but this seems to happen every year. Things take longer than you expect, something breaks that needs fixing, your errands out-of-town end up taking all day, and sometimes you just can’t start your day as early as you’d like because your body is too tried to get out of bed.

One comment

  1. Ah, the grace of a Sonoma farm. I remember one year I caught the flu in late May, was too sick to plant for weeks. It was okay though, because Two Rock has a long, late season. We were harvesting, without frost, well into October, with garden gifts into early December. Here in Michigan, the planting date is a serious business. If you miss it by weeks, many of your plants won’t be ready before frost. I’m planting my Two Rock seeds–and hoping. I may have to switch to varieties with shorter seasons.

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