A New Home

Sorry for the radio silence, we have had a lot going on. All good things! At the end of December we purchased a 12 acre property with an old farmhouse, 4 tillable acres, dense woods, and access to the Choptank river.

We are just now unpacking, cleaning, and setting our house up. We were gone the entire month of January on a family trip out west that we had planned months and months ago, long before we even saw the listing for this property in Greensboro, Maryland.

We are beyond thrilled that after starting Quarter Acre Farm in 2008 on leased land and moving the field 6 times over the last 14 years that this 7th move will be the last move. As a farmer you spend lots of time on soil health, adding amendments to improve the soil, using regenerative practices to enhance the condition of the soil, and each season the soil is better than the last. I truly believe one should always leave a place better than they found it but it has been frustrating over the years to spend so much time and energy on building vibrate nutritious soil only to move on and start all over again. By owning this new farmland we will be able to create Quarter Acre Farm’s forever home, building up the health of the soil to be able to grow the most delicious and healthiest food for you. Healthy soil practices will also benefit the wider ecological community, generating a favorable environment for birds, insects, microbes, and more.

This property has been well loved over the years but needs a lot of work to get it up and running. Our plan for the 2022 season is to just grow vegetables on a half acre while we set up the infrastructure. We will need to figure out our irrigation set up, design a greenhouse, hopefully renovate the old red barn, clean out the white garage, build a deer fence, and more.

Right now I am working on our crop plan for the season. I’m pretty late this year but I’m not stressing. Moving into our new home and doing all the things one does to make a space liveable is a lot. Going into this big wonderful life change I made the decision to give myself a break, to not have grandiose expectations. I gave myself permission to not be a superwoman because it is okay to not do all the things all the time. 

So stay tuned as we slowly renovate our new farm and let our roots grow deep at our new home in Greensboro.


  1. Congrats! My husband kept bees on your farm when you were on property here in Sonoma county. It very exciting to see you have your own place. We look forward to your progress. Good Luck!

    • Hi! I so enjoyed having his bee hives on my farm years ago. I hope to have hives on this new farm in the near future 🐝
      If you ever find yourself on the east coast, please reach out as I would love to show you around this property!

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