Our Garlic is Ready

We harvested our garlic back in June but it had to dry and cure which took a few weeks. It is now ready and it is so delicious we can’t wait to share it with you. Right now we have four different varieties available, when placing an order through our online shop you can choose which variety you’d like. 

  • Chesnok Red which has been a favorite of ours the last few years has a nice full garlicky flavor with medium heat. It is sweet and creamy when roasted.
  • German Extra Hardy is a hardneck variety with 4-6 large cloves per bulb. It is rich, garlicky, strong, and robust with easy to peel jumbo cloves which are easy to use in the kitchen.
  • Georgian Crystal is one of the best tasting porcelain garlics known for its superb flavor which is milder than German Extra Hardy with big cloves that are easy to peel.
  • Metechi is a hardneck variety with 5-7 fat cloves per bulb and is known as one of the HOTTEST garlics raw.

Out in the field we are doing our best to keep up with the tomato and tomatillo harvest but these plants are so happy that their production is off the charts this year. Everything is so green and lush it is starting to resemble a jungle. With so much abundance we expect to be able to offer our bulk discount pricing through September.

Thanks to everyone that came out to the farmers market this past weekend. We had a long line during most of the market and quickly sold out of many items. August and September are our busiest months at the market. Even though we try to anticipate what folks would like and make big patches of guacamole and pico de gallo we often sell out of many items by 10am.

To prevent yourself from missing out we recommend you place an order for your favorite items through our online shop (before Thursday at 8pm) for Saturday pick up. We will have your items bagged up and set aside so it is ready for you at whatever time you come to the market between 8:30am and 12:30pm. If you have any issues or difficulties using our online shop please reach out as we would be happy to help.