Garlic Planting Time

With the short days of December we don’t have much field work to do, most of our farm work right now is paper work in the office. But we have started the process of cleaning up our field. Taking down the tomato trellis and removing the drip tape. With over a thousand feet of tomato rows this always takes awhile but we are about half way done. The goal is to have it done before the New Year but we will see …. it just has to be done before it is time to transplant tomatoes in the spring. 

Our other field work is planting garlic. We ordered our seed garlic back at the end of the summer but we are just separating the heads now to plant them this week. This year we will be planting 9 different varieties that will be ready to harvest in June-ish.

We love growing garlic through the winter and you can too. Growing hardneck garlic in your garden is a low maintenance crop that provides you with both garlic scapes and garlic heads. You simply prepare your garden soil by adding a naturally based fertilizer, plant the garlic cloves pointy side up about 9″ apart and 2″ deep. After the cloves are covered with soil, mulch them heavily with 6″ of straw or leaves. Then wait until spring.

If you need garlic for planting you can use our Chesnok Red, a wonderful heirloom from the republic of Georgia that grows really well in our climate, it has a rich sweet flavor when roasted and sautéed. Or if you really want a deal, you could plant from our garlic 2nds which are half the price and a random mix of all the varieties that we harvested this year.

When ordering from our online shop for local pickup don’t forget to use the coupon code: Dec10 to get 10% off everything in your order.

The delicious eggs we use in our tacos and quesadillas are local and pasture-raised from our friends at Marsh Creek Cattle. They are a wonderful farm over in Preston, MD that provides home delivery for all of their products in the surrounding area. They are running a promotion right now, if you use this link you will get a $15 reward after your first order.

Our special this week at the market will be our Scrapple & Egg Taco: crispy scrapple with a fluffy scrambled egg on a warm corn tortilla, garnished with pico de gallo. This taco is a perfect way to sample Marsh Creek’s eggs if you haven’t had a chance to try them yet.

Our soup will be a hearty Beef Stew: local beef slowly cooked with vegetables creating a tender and filling meal. As always the soup will be available by the half pint, pint, or quart. We hope to see you at the Easton Farmers Market this Saturday as there are just two left for 2023!