Last Call for Tomato Seedlings

This Saturday will be your last chance to get tomato seedlings. So we are having a little sale, all tomatoes seedlings are half off making them just $2 each. We still have 10 different cherry varieties and 12 different heirloom tomato varieties available. But the quantity of each variety is limited. Head over to our online shop to see the full selection with detailed descriptions of each variety. There you will be able to order and pay for your seedlings and then pick them up at this Saturday’s Easton farmers’ market

The reason we stop selling tomato seedlings around mid-June is because most tomato plants take around 70 days to mature which means after transplanting it could be about 10 weeks before you enjoy a delicious ripe tomato. After the month of June if you plant tomato seedlings in your garden it will be autumn before they start to fruit and with tomatoes being frost sensitive, your tomato plant will die once the temperature dips below 32 degrees which typically happens at our farm in early November.

That said, at the farm we are still transplanting tomatoes and probably will be until early July (there are still tons of plants in the greenhouse). Our goal every year is to have a steady supply of tomatoes for our customers to eat until at least Halloween.

This past week we staked and tied the first tomatoes that we transplanted in early May. With the sunny days and warm nights we have had recently, these plants have grown almost a foot in less than 7 days and are ready for us to tie them again! Their fast growth is typical this time of year and we will be tying the tomatoes up almost weekly until they reach the top of our 5 foot stakes.

Even though this will be the last week that we will offer tomato seedlings for sale, we will continue to have seedlings for your garden until Labor Day. The selection of seedlings changes throughout the season as we only sell what is appropriate to be planting at the moment in your Eastern Shore garden. Right now we have many different seedlings available including peppers, basil, luffa gourds, zucchini, okra, onions, leeks, mint, sunflowers, beans, and more.

We will not have any garlic scapes by the bunch this week as the harvest is over. But we will have Garlic Scape Pesto by the container, which is in limited quantity so you might want to order ahead of time to make sure you get some. We love pesto so much (I mean who doesn’t?) and our favorite has to be our Garlic Scape Pesto. So this week’s special will be Pesto con Papas Quesadilla. This show-stopping special is our garlic scape pesto spread over a flour tortilla topped with a blend of cheese and roasted potatoes then folded in half, cut into fours, and garnished with pico de gallo. We typically only do this special once a year so you don’t want to miss it. We hope to see you at the market this Saturday!