Short Days

The days are short and the nights are cold.  I’m spending a lot of time inside; cleaning the greenhouse, organizing the barn, updating farm spreadsheets, and curled up on the couch reading about other farmers in other fields.  I’m ready for this slow down, excited for my winter break.

The farm in winter
The farm in winter

Farm work is seasonal it ebbs and flows; first you’re obsessively waiting for the soil to warm up in the spring, only to quickly have long never-ending days in the summer, than non stop harvesting in the fall, which leads to dark rainy days (fingers crossed) of winter that keep you inside.  As a farmer you can’t fight the seasons or the  weather you just have to roll with. So its time to clean up the farm mess from this summer that never got taken care of and put away all of our tools.  So come this spring we’ll be ready to start all over again.