Happy New {Dry} Year

It’s the beginning of the new year and here in Sonoma it is very dry.  In December we hardly got an inch of rain, 2013 ended up being one of the driest years on record.  So far January’s forecast is clear and sunny skies, not exactly what a Northern Californian farmer expects for winter weather.  Winter rains not only help grow cover crop and garlic but refill ground water and reservoirs to provide water for use during the summer, our traditional dry season.  I have my fingers crossed that our winter rainy season will start soon to prevent a possible summer drought.

The blackberry patch in January.
The blackberry patch in January.

When not worrying about the weather I’ve been busy going over my notes and produce sales from 2013.  January is the time for reviewing the previous year and crop planning for the coming season.  This is one of the many things I love about farming every year starts as a clean slate, the possibilities of what to grow and when are endless.  You look at what has grown and sold well before, what new crops and varieties you wanna try, and how you can fit everything into the space you have, it’s like putting together a big living growing jigsaw puzzle.

Getting a little fresh air by tending to the leeks.
Getting a little fresh air by tending to the leeks.


    • Normally I do dry farm my garlic letting it get its only water from rainfall. But this year with no rain that does not work, so I am irrigating the garlic. I turn the drip on for about 30 minutes about twice a week. Good luck with your garlic!

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