Not only is January a time for crop planning and cultivating the seed order but it is also a time for vacation. As a vegetable farmer your days and weeks during the spring, summer, and fall seem never-ending, so much work has to be done. Then in the winter the farm and field require little work, and I take my chance to get away and play.

This past weekend my husband and I went out to the coast. We enjoyed driving along the cliffs of Sonoma and Marin counties. We watched a huge elephant seal sunning himself in front of beautiful crashing waves. We enjoyed checking out the amazing restaurants in the middle of nowhere, especially Saltwater and Osteria Stellina. We stopped by the Valley Ford Wool Mill to see their impressive operation. And then we finished up the weekend with our own Tour de Oysters, sampling oysters from all the operations that dot the coastline.

We started at Drakes Bay Oyster Company, relaxed at Tomales Bay Oyster Company, pit stopped at The Marshall Store, and ran into the Hog Island Oyster Company.

Taking a little time away from the farm allows you to reenergize and be more productive when you return to the field.