
Just as I was starting to agree with passersby, that yes my field was looking good. Boy, those corn stalks are getting really tall. Those tomato plants are filled with tons of green fruit and those gourd vines are huge.…

Is it Spring Yet?

The weather seems to be confused about what month it is. This past week was windy and extra cold (we almost got a frost). If you have plants in the ground make sure to give them an extra drink of…

Seeding Season

All of my seeds have arrived! I always purchase seeds from a few awesome seed companies that have a great selection of certified organic seed. Like most years I will be growing some tried and true favorites along with some…

Hello, Fall

Today is the fall equinox the sun is hanging much lower in the sky, there is a crispness to the morning air, and the daylight turns to twilight much sooner than before. It seems too early for all these autumnal…