Category Spring

Spring at the Farmers’ Market

Seedlings are ready and I have been at the farmers market for two weeks now. I have a wide range of vegetable seedlings available including a few herbs (dill and cilantro) and flowers (borage, marigolds, nasturtiums, and sunflowers). Right now…

Seeding is in Full Swing

All my seeds have arrived! Every year I order from two of my favorite companies Fedco Seeds Co-op and High Mowing Organic Seeds. This year I also ordered a few things from Johnny’s Seeds and Southern Exposure Seed Exchange. I am excited…


This month I have been busy downsizing and getting rid of stuff. I’m amazed at how much stuff both at the farm and in the house, I have accumulated over the past dozen years. I mean I’m not surprise I…

Spring Work

Spring is here … or maybe summer I’m actually wearing shorts as I type this, hello 80 degree weather. This spring my workload looks a little different. I’m not sweating it out in the greenhouse but staring it out, at…

Get Outside

Since I’m not farming this year I have realized that I’m spending a lot of time inside. Working on the computer, reading books, organizing farm supplies, and other random indoor activities. This sedentary work is not new I have always…

Tomato Pollination

The tomato field is starting to shape up. I have weeded six of the twelve tomato rows and so far I have been able to trellis four rows. The plants are pretty big covered in yellow flowers and many have…

My Style

Every farmer has a style, so every farm has a different look. Farmers don’t just layout their fields differently but they maintain their crops differently. I for one ignore weeding, for as long as I can. It is not just because…

Just a Bit More Planting

The field is almost completely planted. The corn is about six-inches tall. Most of the dried beans have sent up stalks with two bright green leaves. The pumpkins should be germinating soon. And the tomatoes still need to be staked. The last…

Everything is Growing

Crops love these long sunny days. The tomatoes are bright green and getting taller every time I turn around. I really need to get the stakes up so I can start trellising them. If this tomato season is anything like…