Unpredictable Weather

Thursday we had our first CSA pick up of the season.  It was great seeing returning members and meeting the new members who have joined this year.  The members received a healthy mix of vegetables in their share this week; kale, carrots, radishes, collards, garlic, dill, basil, and more.  

Mustard Greens, Collards, & Kale
Mustard Greens, Collards, & Kale

Murphy’s Irish Pub is a gracious host for Quarter Acre Farm’s CSA pick up.  Curious to see what a CSA pick up looks like?  Come down to Murphy’s any Thursday between 3 and 5 to see a CSA in action.

CSA pick up at Murphy's Irish Pub
CSA pick up at Murphy’s Irish Pub

The weather out here in Northern California has been all over the place; hot and dry, cool and breezy, grey and rainy, and even muggy and humid.  This of course can be very frustrating to any vegetable grower large or small.  Personally I do my best not to get too stressed over it.  You can’t control the weather.  But I can control what I plant.  

So to lessen the impact of unpredictable weather I grow a diverse array of vegetables.  Not only do I grow many different vegetable crops but I grow at least two different varieties of each crop.  I like to think of it as my own crop insurance.  This way there is always something to harvest even if I happen to suffer a crop loss.