After a few weeks of large tomatoes slowly ripening here and there. The heirloom tomato plants are finally putting out tons of beautifully large ripe tomatoes.

I know tomatoes are considered a summer crop but I always think of them more as a fall crop. With our cool nights here in Sonoma my tomatoes grow slowly through the summer and then yield heavily for the months of September and October.

If you want to have a winter garden get out there now while the days are long and the temperatures are warm. Direct seed root crops such as carrots, beets, and turnips.

Transplant other crops like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and onions. It’s a really busy time of year with all that needs to be harvested but take the time now to plant your winter garden and come November and December you’ll be feasting on tasty vegetables because of all your hard work in September.