Starting in the Greenhouse

This week I was back in the greenhouse, starting seeds for this growing season.  Even after so many years of starting seeds there is always that first moment where I have to think, how do I do this?

My potting table
My potting table

But it is just like riding a bike, I pull out the seeds, the trays, the germination mix, and my muscle memory immediately kicks in.

seedling trays

Right now the greenhouse is pretty empty but this spring I will start thousands and thousands of seeds that will later be transplanted into the field.

Kale and parsley waiting to sprout
Kale and parsley waiting to sprout

Just this Tuesday I started 1,152 kale seeds and 288 parsley seeds.  Next week I’ll be getting the tomatoes, peppers, celery, and green onions started.  I can’t wait to see those little sprouts appear and fill the greenhouse with life once again.