I think of myself as an outdoorsy person cause I like being outside but I’m not the type of person that goes on hikes or camps just to be outside. I like to spend time outdoors completing a task or creating something tangible. Like farming, where you are outside growing and harvesting food. So last Sunday I jumped at the chance to join Heidi of Strong Arm Farm out on the coast for seaweed harvesting.

We got to the beach, which was more of a cliff, early in the morning at low tide. We hiked down to the water and over rocks to where the seaweed was growing. Heidi instructed us how to harvest properly, to allow the plant to continue to grow. While standing in tidal pools we cut seaweed and bagged it up quickly because once the tide started to come back in we’d lose access to this beautiful forest of seaweed.

As we were working in the shallow water, there were divers further out looking for abalone and soon fishermen came down to beach in search of rockfish. It was a gorgeous morning to be harvesting from the sea I felt right at home with my pruners in one hand and a harvest bag by my side.