Spring Rush

Spring rush is here, everything needs to be done at the farm and it all should have been done, like last week.  April is easily one of the busiest months on the farm.  You spend lots of time in the greenhouse seeding and potting up, with every nook and cranny filling up with lush green plants, waiting to get out into the field.


Then there is the field, which needs cover crop mowed down, soil turned over, amendments added, and irrigation set up. When the field prep is done its time for transplants and seeds to get planted out in nice neat rows.  I’m right in the middle, of it all right now.

Mowing cover crop
Mowing cover crop
Cover crop standing tall then the field after using of a flail mower
Cover crop standing tall then the field after using my flail mower
My neighbor and his full size tractor tilling in the cover crop residue.
My neighbor and his full size tractor tilling in the cover crop residue.

I’m doing my best to stay calm and remind myself that everything will get done and to take a deep breath. Because before I know it I’ll be harvesting boxes and boxes of tomatoes with only a faint memory of when my tomato plants were just wee transplants.

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