Summer Maintenance

Last week was filled with general summer field maintenance tying tomato rows, patching drip tape that animals have chewed on, mowing the edges of the field, moving flash tape to keep birds away from the wee popcorn, and of course weeding.


It was also a week of high temperatures so that meant working smart. The important points to remember are drink lots of water throughout the day, know when you need to get out of the sun, start the work day early, then take a long lunch break in the shade or in front of a fan. You can always make up your work time in the evening when it’s cooler and hopefully breezy.


But the hot days are paying off, Thursday I wandered through the tomato rows figuring I’d grab a cherry tomato or two to throw on my sandwich but I easily filled a pint basket! I was so excited I ate them all right there, not even stopping for a photo-op.  It will still be a few weeks before cherry tomatoes make their debut at my market booth. But just know they are coming and there will be lots.