Still Summer

The days are hot but a change in the season is happening. The sun comes up later, and sets earlier. There is a coolness in the morning with that unmistakable scent of fall.

Popcorn, winter squash, & pumpkins

The tomato production is going strong currently at it’s peak of production. But what goes up must come down, this volume of production won’t last forever. The current glut of tomatoes will last a few more weeks than decrease to a similar volume we had earlier in the season continuing until the frost comes, which is normally mid-November.

Tomato identification signs at the farmers' market
Tomato identification signs at the farmers’ market

I’m starting to harvest fall crops, pumpkins and dried beans with winter squash only a few weeks away. The popcorn is looking good, the pollination stage went well and now the cobs are filling out. I expect to start harvesting popcorn at the end of the month. It is still summer but not for long. wpid-wp-1442269347638.jpg