Rainy Day Work

Recently it’s been grey and chilly out. Most days there seems to be some rain, even if it’s just a sprinkle or two. So I have found my rain boots and I’ve pulled the sweaters out of the closet. With this change in the seasons things are slowing down at the farm. There is not much left to harvest in the field, just some heirloom tomatoes and winter squash which keep producing.

Late heirloom tomatoes
Late heirloom tomatoes

In the coming weeks I will mow the field and plant cover crop, so there is still a bunch of work that needs to be done before winter. During these rainy days I’ve been keeping dry, staying undercover as I shuck this year’s popcorn harvest. The popcorn is drying up nicely and I suspect, it will be ready to shell in a few weeks. I hope to have the popcorn along with the dried beans ready to sell by the Thanksgiving farmers’ market. Geez, already thinking about Thanksgiving, where has this year gone.

Rainy day farmers’ market