Just a Bit More Planting

The field is almost completely planted. The corn is about six-inches tall.

Most of the dried beans have sent up stalks with two bright green leaves. The pumpkins should be germinating soon. And the tomatoes still need to be staked. The last few beds will be seeded with winter squash, this year I will be growing six different varieties. I’m also planning to do a late planting of tomatoes which I will probably start harvesting at the same time as the winter squash.

A heirloom bean variety known as Saturday Night Special

The greenhouse has been staying pretty full as I’ve been seeding fall and winter crops like brussel sprouts and broccoli. But don’t stress there is still time to get your favorite summer seedlings like basil, cucumbers, and melons. I’ve been busy in the cool mornings potting up lots of seedlings perfect for filling backyard gardens in June.