Autumn Equinox

It’s fall y’all! Normally I’m sad to see summer go, personally summer is my favorite season. But this year it is a relief to make it to fall. This summer has been wonderful, we have been super busy harvesting and selling lots every day. But the days have been hot, humid, and long. We have been thrilled that our customer demand this year has soared. We are selling pico de gallo as fast as we can make it and harvesting pint after pint of cherry tomatoes to fill the flats our restaurant clients order every week. We are truly grateful to all our customers both big and small.

Fall is a welcome reminder that now is the time to slow down, cool off, and maybe sleep in a morning or two. It is something in the air, a change in the light, or a chill in the morning that signals to your body to take a deep breath and savor the harvest of this year.

cherry tomato harvest

Enjoy the bountiful tomato plants that are still producing delicious cherry tomatoes. Take a slow walk through the field to see how well your crop plan came to fruition. Take time to joke with your fellow farmers’ market vendor between sales. Listen to your customer’s gardening journey and remind them there is always next year.

Take the time now to enjoy it all while there is still plenty of local produce around and the farmers markets are still open. Soon the weather will become too chilly for the tasty tomatoes to stick around. Soon the farmers market will close down for the winter. Soon the days will be short and spending long hours outside won’t be as fun.

field in September

Appreciate fall and the bountiful time that it is with summer crops still producing, fall crops being harvested, and the knowledge that colder quieter days are ahead.