Now is the time to plant sweet potato slips. We have a limited supply of slips for the delicious Covington variety available. This is a widely adapted traditional orange sweet potato variety. Copper and rose-colored skin with sweet, smooth, bright orange flesh. Slips are vine cuttings from sprouted sweet potatoes for transplanting into your garden. For the slips you must order through our online shop as we don’t bring them to market unless they have been ordered. When ordered you will receive bare-root slips by the bunch, one bunch contains 3 sweet potato slips. You can expect 1 slip to produce about 2 pounds of sweet potatoes to be harvested in the fall.

Beans, lots of bean seedlings are ready in the greenhouse. This is a great time to get bean seedlings in the ground. We have a super fun mix of bush beans, pole beans, and edamame. One of the wonderful things about beans is they don’t need a lot of space to give you a bountiful harvest. With all of our bean seedlings you get multiple plants in each fiber pot but you don’t need to separate them, just transplant each clump of beans about 6 to 8 inches apart.

Every year during the short garlic scape season we get asked if we can make garlic scape pesto. Well after many requests we have finally gotten everything together to make it happen! So beginning this week you will be able to get some delicious garlic scape pesto by the half pint, pint, or quart.
Our fresh garlic scape pesto is made from garlic scapes harvested from our farm plus olive oil, parmesan cheese, spinach, walnuts, and kosher salt; that’s it no fillers. This captures the short but scrumptious garlic scape season. Our pesto goes perfectly with pasta, sandwiches, pizza, seafood, poultry, or whatever needs a garlicky punch. No preservatives are used, so it must be kept refrigerated or frozen. We will just be offering this for a brief time so if you are a garlic lover don’t let the opportunity pass you by.