Sweets & Breakfast

New offers this week include sweet peppers and sweet potato greens. For us, harvest of both of these crops starts in late summer. As our field is dominated by tomatoes it is easy to forget we grow anything else. But our beautiful peppers do not like to be ignored and their glowing bright colors of purple, orange, yellow, and red shine through the green leaves signaling to us it is time to harvest.

Sweet potato greens fill the late summer void of tasty greens as most greens don’t enjoy all the heat and humidity we are having. Sweet potato greens are the delicious leaves of the sweet potato plant. We sell them by the bunch and you can just pluck the leaves off the stems and use them like you would any other green. The greens have a softer texture and a less bitter taste than kale or chard. Try sautéing the sweet potato greens in the place of spinach, adding them to stir-fries, or chopping them finely and adding them to salads.

We still have loads of tomatoes and tomatillos, so if you need a lot don’t forget about our discounted price for bulk buying available through our online shop.

This Sunday is the Celebration of Life for my Dad, Jerry Davis. In honor of him, our special this weekend at the market will be a Scrapple & Egg Quesadilla which was his favorite thing to order from us at the farmers market. We never officially had it on the menu, but when he knew we had scrapple in the cooler he would request it. So we will be calling it Jerry’s Favorite and if you really want to eat like my Dad, order it with a side of our house-made hot sauce.

This Saturday our ceviche will be made with flounder. We will also have our tomatillo salsa aka salsa verde available which is perfect for snacking on while spending time with family and friends. We hope you make time to stop by our booth during these dog days of summer.