Celebrate Mom with Tacos & Seedlings

We have been busy in the greenhouse potting up seedlings and seeding more seeds. We will continue to have seedlings available until Labor Day with new varieties and crops changing from week to week.

In addition to greenhouse work we have been spending time in our pawpaw patch. We weeded around our pawpaw trees, applied a ring of lobster compost to each tree, and added more wood chips. Some of our three year old trees are finally big enough to graft named varieties on to. So last week with the help of our customer and pawpaw enthusiast, Steve, we grafted 10 trees! The varieties we grafted are Jerry’s Big Girl, IXL, Shenandoah, KSU-Benson, and Steve’s Best. We have our fingers crossed that the grafts take and are very excited to see how our trees continue to grow. It will still be a couple years before any of them start fruiting.

In the meantime our focus will be on our tomatoes which we started transplanting this week. We also got loads of summer and spring seedlings right now in the greenhouse. We have added more varieties to our online shop including heirloom tomatoes, summer squash, sunflowers, basil, okra, and more! Head over to our online shop to see all the varieties and read the descriptions.

We want to send out a big thank you to everyone that came out to the Easton farmers’ market this past rainy Saturday. This market happens rain or shine and many vendors like ourselves attend no matter what the weather conditions are.

During a rainy market our booth set up is a bit minimal with limited signage and no tablecloths but we still cook up tasty tacos and have seedlings for sale.

This Saturday, May 11th to celebrate Mother’s Day and honor all the multitasking Moms out there who seem to have eight arms because they can do all the things, our special will be a Grilled Octopus Taco. This tender octopus is served on a warm corn tortilla and garnished with pico de gallo. If you love seafood you will fall head over heels for this special taco, as it tastes kind of scallopy and crabby at the same time.

If you are planning to celebrate at home for the special Moms in your life, let us help you out by doing some of the cooking. Take home our pico de gallo, guacamole and/ or ceviche; which if you order ahead of time you can get in the quart size (32 oz) providing you enough to share with a crowd.

We hope your Mother’s Day weekend is filled with tasty food, time spent with loved ones, and perhaps a bit of gardening. 😉