Potting Up

This past week I’ve been busy working on my taxes, the stormy wet days are perfect for hacking away at paperwork. But there has been a break in the rain and the sun shining. Even though the soil is soaked, the sun is great motivation to get outside and leave the computer work behind. So Thursday I headed for the greenhouse to start more herbs, arugula, and sugar snap peas. I couldn’t help but notice how big the mustard greens and cress had gotten since I last checked on them.

Wrinkled Crinkled Crumpled Cress (seriously thats its name)
Wrinkled Crinkled Crumpled Cress (seriously that’s its name)

They are quick growers and were ready for more room. To give these greens more space I potted them up into six-packs. This involved gently dividing the clumps of tiny seedlings and placing two seedlings in each cell with new potting soil.

Purple Rapa Mix Gene Pool Mustard

 With the new space to stretch out and additional nutrients from new soil these tiny seedlings should size up nicely and be ready to move into someone’s backyard garden in a few weeks.