Tomatoes Are In

With all this sunny weather, I’m finally getting the tomatoes in the ground. Last Tuesday I transplanted 650 cherry tomatoes and later in the week I transplanted 370 heirloom tomato seedlings. I still have another hundred or so to get in the ground but I feel much more relaxed now that the tomatoes are out of their cramped seedlings trays and spreading their roots out in the field.

In the spring with the return of sunshine and warm temperatures as a farmer you feel the need to hurry up and get everything done. The little voice in your head is telling you that you’re late and if you don’t get all your tasks completed right away your crops won’t grow and then you won’t have anything to harvest and your farm will be ruined. But you must be careful because all that rushing around can not only cause stress but you could easily injure yourself, farming is a dangerous occupation. To quiet that nagging little voice in my head, I look back at previous year’s records to see that I always eventually, get everything planted, things do grow, there is a harvest and everything turns out fine.

An entire quarter of an acre planted in tomatoes