Thursday we had our first CSA pick up of the season. It was great seeing returning members and meeting the new members who have joined this year. The members received a healthy mix of vegetables in their share this week; kale, carrots, radishes, collards, garlic, dill, basil, and more.

Murphy’s Irish Pub is a gracious host for Quarter Acre Farm’s CSA pick up. Curious to see what a CSA pick up looks like? Come down to Murphy’s any Thursday between 3 and 5 to see a CSA in action.

The weather out here in Northern California has been all over the place; hot and dry, cool and breezy, grey and rainy, and even muggy and humid. This of course can be very frustrating to any vegetable grower large or small. Personally I do my best not to get too stressed over it. You can’t control the weather. But I can control what I plant.
So to lessen the impact of unpredictable weather I grow a diverse array of vegetables. Not only do I grow many different vegetable crops but I grow at least two different varieties of each crop. I like to think of it as my own crop insurance. This way there is always something to harvest even if I happen to suffer a crop loss.