Late Fall Field Prep

This week I began to remove the irrigation from the field.  That involves a lot of pulling and dragging of drip-tape which then has to be rolled up and stored away.  This is not my favorite job but it must be done.  The irrigation has to come out of the field to be able to efficiently work the soil.


With irrigation out of the way I mowed down the popcorn and winter squash rows.  I use a Berta flailing mower, which is excellent for reducing mowed material to a very small size for quick breakdown into the soil.

Mowed cornstalks
Mowed cornstalks

To incorporate the finely chopped up cornstalks, vines, and weeds; I called on my neighbor Marc of Stone Cutter’s Farm to come over with his tractor to rototill this area.  Now it is ready to plant storage onions and fava beans, which will grow through the winter for a spring harvest.

Beds ready for planting
Beds ready for planting