Seeds and Spreadsheets
For the last month I have been busy doing some of the unseen work of farming … computer stuff. The mundane tasks that any small business owner need to do like updating the website, making sure the sign up forms…
For the last month I have been busy doing some of the unseen work of farming … computer stuff. The mundane tasks that any small business owner need to do like updating the website, making sure the sign up forms…
As I have been working on my crop plan/ seed order this year I decided to up my spreadsheet game. I have always used a series of spreadsheets to make my crop plan but they were pretty basic, mainly just…
People often ask me, what do you do once you stop selling at the farmers’ market for the year? Right now for me it is a whole lot of resting, spontaneous crafting, and finally having time to do things around…
This is the first season that I have grown sweet potatoes. Back in the beginning of the year as I was planning out the crops I would grow, I realized I needed another vegetable to sell in the fall and…
It truly feels like fall. There is a crispness in the air, the sun is casting long shadows, days are short, and the tomato plants have slowed down their production. It always seems to change from summer to fall in…
Yesterday as I was walking in my field, which seems more like a bog at this point, I was amazed at how well some of the tomato plants were doing. I was even more amazed that some of the older…
Just as I was starting to agree with passersby, that yes my field was looking good. Boy, those corn stalks are getting really tall. Those tomato plants are filled with tons of green fruit and those gourd vines are huge.…
I stand in solidarity with the protesters across this country and I believe that black lives matter. As a white woman in the United States I know I have privileges that many do not. I strive to be inclusive in…
The weather seems to be confused about what month it is. This past week was windy and extra cold (we almost got a frost). If you have plants in the ground make sure to give them an extra drink of…
I just realized that the whole month of March went by and I didn’t write a blog post. I try to write a new post every month but it didn’t even cross my mind until I was looking through my…