

Local Popcorn

After a long wait, our heirloom popcorn is finally ready for popping.  We began harvesting the popcorn at the end of August. After the popcorn is harvested it needs to be shucked, and allowed to continue to dry for a…

Frost is Coming

My days have been spent bringing in the storage crops before the frost hits.  That means harvesting the mature winter squashes, popcorn, and dried beans (a new one this year). A light frost can happen any day now, which is…

Eat Your Greens

It’s the time for greens again.  Beautiful healthy kale, collards, swiss chard, purslane, and more.  Greens grow well in the summer but they thrive in the fall.  Greens love the cool temperatures, their flavor even gets sweeter with a frost.…

Time to Buy Cover Crop Seed

Brrrr the mornings are cold out there.  I wore my boots this week for the first time since the early spring. There is plenty to do in the field to stay warm, recently I’ve been harvesting popcorn, potatoes, tomatoes, kale,…

Farmers Day Off

Even farmers need a day off.  This past Sunday I decided to put a bit of distance between me and the farm work.  I went down to San Francisco and spent the whole day at Hardly Strictly Bluegrass, a free…

Women in Farming

I have been following the cross-country journey of two wonderful women, Caitrin Hall and Lake Buckley.  They have recently finished this amazing journey which they did all by bicycle. What makes this cross-country journey so important is that during their…

Farm Model

I have not been on the farm very much this week. I was one of seven chosen to be in the new Sonoma County Tourism ad campaign.  We spent three days going all over the county with a film and…


I got tomatoes coming out of my ears and I’m fine with it.  We wait all spring for the plants to bloom and all summer for the fruit to ripen. As the summer is finishing and fall is starting, bam…

Chilly Mornings, Warm Days

The mornings have become quite chilly and the evenings are getting dark, sooner than I’d like.  But even though fall is in the air I’m still harvesting summer crops, tons of tomatoes, summer squash, basil, and the last of the…

National Heirloom Expo

This week  was the National Heirloom Expo, I was able to get off the farm and spend a whole day there. The Heirloom Expo contains an amazing assortment of heirloom crop varieties and heritage breed animals.  It’s stunning to see over…