Prepping for Garlic Planting
We finally got some rain Sunday night. Which for us is about the first time it has rained on the farm in two months. The droughty weather has not affected us very much because as we slide into shorter fall…
We finally got some rain Sunday night. Which for us is about the first time it has rained on the farm in two months. The droughty weather has not affected us very much because as we slide into shorter fall…
As a vegetable farm we use a lot of seeds. Some seeds we plant directly into the soil out in the field but most of our seeds are started in the greenhouse. The seeds we start in the greenhouse grow…
We want to send a big THANK YOU out to all our customers, followers, and supporters for helping to make the 2023 season great! We truly appreciate everyone from the people that wake up early to come out to the…
This past month we took some time to slow down and spend time with family and friends, taking a nice little break from the farm. But the winter season is not just a time for rest on the farm, it…
We have been slowing down and relaxing since our last farmers market, way back on December 17th. We are currently on our winter break, a time when we are not selling anything, not harvesting, or making anything in the kitchen.…
Sorry for the radio silence, we have had a lot going on. All good things! At the end of December we purchased a 12 acre property with an old farmhouse, 4 tillable acres, dense woods, and access to the Choptank…
This year I planted about 30 pounds of garlic cloves. I chose four varieties to plant: Chesnok Red, German White, German Red, and Elephant garlic. To get the soil ready to plant garlic, I did a light pass of the…
For the last month I have been busy doing some of the unseen work of farming … computer stuff. The mundane tasks that any small business owner need to do like updating the website, making sure the sign up forms…
As I have been working on my crop plan/ seed order this year I decided to up my spreadsheet game. I have always used a series of spreadsheets to make my crop plan but they were pretty basic, mainly just…
I just realized that the whole month of March went by and I didn’t write a blog post. I try to write a new post every month but it didn’t even cross my mind until I was looking through my…