Category Farmers’ market

Garlic Sale

We are a little obsessed with heirloom garlic. The flavor is amazing, it just puts grocery store garlic to shame. Similarly to heirloom tomatoes there are hundreds of varieties out there, each has a slightly different flavor, with varying sizes…

Plant Your Fall Garden Now

The days are getting shorter. Right now, the sun is setting around 7:30pm, providing us with just under 13 hours of total daylight. By the end of September, the daylight will be less than 12 hours. On Halloween, the sun…

Labor Day Vibes

Last night we had another great gleaning event at our farm. Over a dozen volunteers with the Maryland Food Bank turned out. The August heat made for a warm and sticky evening but the many hands made for light work.…

Welcoming July

It is hard to believe that it is just the first week of July as our June weather was so hot, humid, and lacking in the rainfall department that this past month felt like peak summer instead of just the…