
It’s hot out there. The heat can be hard to work in but, I’m not mad at it because the heat brings the ripeness. The warm temperatures allow the tomatoes to turn from green to red, or yellow or pink or whatever color the heirloom is determined to be.

a preview of the Pink Boar
a preview of the Pink Boar

The tomato harvest has started but it’s still light, I have to search through the vines to find only a few baskets of cherry tomatoes and a couple of pounds of the early heirloom tomatoes.


As the high temperatures continues and the farmer find themselves taking more shade breaks, the tomatoes will quicken their pace of ripening until there is no need to hunt for ripe tomatoes, they will just be covering the plant from top to bottom. So I’m enjoying these hot days because it means that later I can have more tomato sandwiches!
