The fall weather was here chilly nights, foggy mornings, and windy days. But the heat has returned, I mean it is down right hottt! In the field that means the pumpkins, winter squash, popcorn, and dried beans are screaming to get out of the field.
They are mature and ready to get out of the direct sunlight to be cured in a shaded area with good ventilation. Curing winter squash will allow them to last through the winter, that is how they got the name “winter squash”. The popcorn and beans also need to be fully dry before they can be shelled.
This heat also means the tomato plants are back to pumping out lots and lots of tasty ripe fruit. I’m still having tomato sandwiches for lunch and pico de gallo for dinner almost every night. But the tomato party won’t last forever, the frost clock is ticking! A heavy frost will kill off all the tomato plants. Our first average frost day is November 15th but sometimes it comes early and some years it has not shown up until the beginning of December, only time with tell. If you want to enjoy local tomatoes this winter, your best bet is to preserve your favorites by canning or freezing.