August on our farm is filled with abundance. The plants are covered with fruit and during every work day the main task is harvesting.

One day the focus is harvesting and sorting cherry tomatoes which typically results in about 200 pints. Another day we harvest heirloom tomatoes of all shapes and sizes. In two hours we can pick over 400 pounds. To take a break from tomatoes we will direct our attention to the tomatillos and sweet peppers, harvesting loads of each.

With so much abundance we are offering bulk discounts on heirloom tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, and tomatillos when you buy 10 pounds or pints through our online shop. If 10 pounds is too much you can always get our tomato seconds for just $2.25 a pound.

This Saturday at the market we will be offering our tomatillo salsa by the pint and half pint again. This is a favorite of our local fans. We love snacking on this salsa with tortilla chips or making chilaquiles. Here is a great recipe for whipping up a batch of chilaquiles for breakfast. (You can always make your own tomatillo salsa aka salsa verde or use ours.) Our ceviche this weekend will be a mix of perch and rockfish. We hope to see you this Saturday to enjoy our August abundance.